Emma Coleman - CANOPY Project
Part of the 2022 Canada-Norway Pedagogy Partnership for Innovation and Inclusion in Education
My name is Emma Coleman, and I am a Bachelor of Education student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. From March to April of 2022, I participated in the Queen's University/Nord University CANOPY project (you can find detailed information on the CANOPY project here). This project allowed me the opportunity to explore an area of interest in the education field and create a final product that showcased my research.
My initial interest for this project was exploring how teachers in Norway and Ontario, Canada respond to global issues and events in the classroom. Considering the growing humanitarian crises in Ukraine, I became interested in how teachers and students in Norway and Ontario are responding to the crisis. After conversations with teachers and careful examination of the Ontario and Norway curricula, I compiled my thoughts, reflections and findings into this website. My hope for this website and my research is that pre-service teachers and education students can use it as a resource for mindful and responsive teaching in times of global crisis.
I would like to thank the coordinators of this project, Nadya Allen and Heather McKendry, as well as my supervisor, Ingrid Elna Elden, for overseeing my work during this time. I would also like to thank all the teachers who took time out of their busy schedules to speak with me about the impact of global issues and events on their teaching practice.